Understanding Tibetan Astrology: Analyzing Elements, Zodiac Animals, Creating a Chart

Understanding Tibetan Astrology: Analyzing Elements, Zodiac Animals, Creating a Chart

Tibetan Astrology: A Holistic Approach to Life and Karma

Tibetan astrology is a profound blend of Chinese and Indian traditions, uniquely integrated into Buddhist philosophy, particularly the Kalachakra Tantra. This astrological practice aims to purify negative influences and karma, paving the way for a harmonious life and auspicious rebirth.

The Role of Karma

In Buddhism, karma shapes our birth, life circumstances, and personal traits, all of which influence our actions and future rebirths. However, karma isn't immutable; through purification and merit accumulation, one can alter their destiny. Tibetan astrology offers methods to mitigate negative karma and enhance life quality, predicting life events and rebirth based on birth time.

Interdependence and the Five Elements

Tibetan astrology operates on the principle of interdependence, recognizing that everything in the universe is interconnected. Central to this system are the Five Elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—alongside the concept of time as the sixth element. By understanding the cyclical nature of these elements, astrologers can predict when and where events will occur and how they will impact individuals.

Integration with Tibetan Buddhism

Astrologers in Tibet, traditionally monks, combine deep Buddhist psychological insights with their practice. This blend of meditation, awareness, intuition, and astrological calculations underscores the compassionate nature of Tibetan astrology.

The Influence on Health

Tibetan astrology also intertwines with Tibetan medicine. Understanding elemental cycles is crucial for accurate pulse diagnosis and overall health, as bodily functions and organ health fluctuate with these cycles.

Tools and Techniques

  1. The Five Elements: Understanding their interplay is crucial for predictions.
  2. Twelve Animals of the Zodiac: Each animal influences personality and destiny.
  3. Vital Forces: Including Sog (Vital Force), Lü (Health Force), Wang Thang (Power Force), Loong Ta (Luck Force), and La (Soul Force).
  4. Nine Magic Squares (Me Wa): These reveal past and future life dynamics, character traits, and deity associations.
  5. Trigrams (Par Kha): Essential for geomancy and detecting hidden energetic influences.

The Five Elements

The five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—are foundational in Tibetan astrology. Each element has specific qualities and influences that shape events and personal characteristics. Understanding the interaction and balance of these elements is key to predicting and harmonizing one's life.

Twelve Animals of the Zodiac

Similar to the Chinese zodiac, the Tibetan system features twelve animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each animal governs a year in a twelve-year cycle and imparts certain traits and influences on individuals born in that year. These animals help in understanding personality traits and forecasting life events.

Vital Forces

  1. Vital Force (Sog): Represents life energy and overall vitality.
  2. Health Force (Lü): Relates to physical health and well-being.
  3. Power Force (Wang Thang): Concerns personal power, influence, and success.
  4. Luck Force (Loong Ta): Affects luck and fortune in various aspects of life.
  5. Soul Force (La): Connects to spiritual strength and stability.

Balancing these forces is essential for a harmonious life.

The Nine Magic Squares (Me Wa)

These squares, or grids, are used to analyze past life influences and future potentials. Each square provides insights into hidden character traits, karmic patterns, and deity associations. The Me Wa helps in understanding the deeper spiritual and karmic dynamics affecting an individual.

Trigrams (Par Kha)

Trigrams are used in geomancy to detect and correct energetic imbalances in the environment. These symbols, derived from I Ching, help in understanding the flow of energy and prescribing geomantic solutions to harmonize spaces and enhance well-being.

Instructions for Casting a Basic Yearly Horoscope

To cast a yearly horoscope, Tibetan astrologers consider:

  1. Elemental Cycles: Assessing the interplay of the five elements throughout the year.
  2. Zodiac Influence: Understanding the impact of the ruling zodiac animal.
  3. Celestial Positions: Observing the positions of planets and stars.
  4. Vital Forces: Evaluating the status of the Vital, Health, Power, Luck, and Soul forces.
  5. Magic Squares and Trigrams: Utilizing these tools for deeper insight and guidance.

By synthesizing these elements, astrologers can provide comprehensive forecasts and guidance for the coming year, helping individuals align their actions with cosmic cycles for optimal outcomes.


How to create a Tibetan Astrology chart?

Creating a Tibetan astrology chart involves several detailed steps, combining traditional astrological knowledge with personal birth data. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the process:

1. Gather Personal Information

    • Date of Birth: This includes the year, month, day, and time of birth.
    • Place of Birth: Geographical location to account for time zone differences.

    2. Determine the Elemental Influences

    • Five Elements: Calculate the predominant elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) at the time of birth. This involves understanding the cyclical interaction of elements based on the Tibetan calendar.

    3. Identify the Zodiac Animal

    • Twelve Animals of the Zodiac: Identify the zodiac animal governing the birth year. Each animal influences the personality traits and destiny of the person.

    4. Calculate the Vital Forces

    • Vital Force (Sog): Assess the individual’s life energy.
    • Health Force (Lü): Determine the physical health aspects.
    • Power Force (Wang Thang): Evaluate personal power and influence.
    • Luck Force (Loong Ta): Analyze the luck factor in different areas of life.
    • Soul Force (La): Examine the spiritual strength.

    5. Analyze the Nine Magic Squares (Me Wa)

    • Past and Future Dynamics: Use the nine magic squares to reveal past life influences, future potentials, hidden traits, and deity associations.

    6. Calculate the Trigrams (Par Kha)

    • Geomantic Analysis: Determine the trigrams to detect and correct hidden energetic influences in the person’s environment, contributing to their overall well-being.

    7. Synthesize the Information

    Combine all the gathered data to create a comprehensive astrological chart. This chart will provide insights into the person’s character, health, fortune, karmic influences, and future predictions.

    8. Provide Interpretation and Guidance

    • Interpret the Chart: Offer detailed explanations of the various elements and forces at play.
    • Guidance: Provide practical advice on how to harmonize with these influences, suggesting methods for purification of negative karma and enhancement of positive aspects.

    Example of Chart Creation:

    1. Birth Date and Time: January 1, 1980, 10:00 AM.
    2. Location: Lhasa, Tibet.

    Calculation Steps:

    Elemental Influence:
    • Year Element: Earth
    • Month Element: Water
    • Day Element: Fire
    • Hour Element: Air
    Zodiac Animal: Monkey

    Vital Forces:
    • Sog: Moderate
    • Lü: Strong
    • Wang Thang: High
    • Loong Ta: Variable
    • La: Stable
    Nine Magic Squares:
    • Past Influence: Strong connection with Water element
    • Future Potential: Success in endeavors involving Fire element


    • Birth Trigram: Kan (Water)
    • Environmental Trigram: Li (Fire)


      • Personality: Energetic, adaptable (Monkey), with a dynamic interplay of elements suggesting a versatile and multifaceted character.
      • Health: Strong physical health (Lü), but needs to manage stress (Loong Ta).
      • Future: Bright prospects in fields aligned with the Fire element, such as leadership or entrepreneurship.
      • Advice: Engage in activities that harmonize Water and Fire elements, such as meditation near water bodies and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

      By following these steps, a detailed and insightful Tibetan astrology chart can be created, providing valuable guidance for personal growth and harmony.

      Casting a Yearly Horoscope

      To cast a basic yearly horoscope, astrologers assess the positions of celestial bodies, the influence of zodiac animals, the dynamics of the Five Elements, and insights from the Nine Magic Squares and Trigrams. This comprehensive approach offers guidance for the year ahead, aligning one's actions with cosmic cycles for a harmonious and prosperous life.


      Tibetan astrology and geomancy provide a holistic framework for understanding the universe and our place within it. By tapping into these ancient traditions, individuals can gain profound insights into their lives and destinies, fostering a deeper connection with the cosmos and enhancing overall well-being.

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